ICCS Summer School - 2023
Important Information for Participants
- Handbook with key information for both in-person and online participants.
- Schedule
- Resources and pre-reading materials, please check any pre-reading materials in advance of the sessions.
Registration for in-person attendance has now closed. If you are interested in attending virtually, please complete this Registration Form.
ICCS will be holding its annual summer school from the 10th July to the 14th July 2023. The summer school will be in a hybrid format, with in-person sessions at the University of Cambridge being broadcast live to online participants.
The ICCS summer school brings together members of the Schmidt Sciences funded VESRI teams and runs a number of sessions to support their research. It encompasses a mixture of training, workshops, scientific presentations, and social events. The training workshops will focus on the best practice in software engineering methods.
The summer school is free of charge, and accommodation and the social events will be free of charge for members of the Schmidt Sciences community. There is also a bursary available to support the attendance of Schmidt Sciences community members to the ICCS Summer School, to finance travel to and from Cambridge, and other potential costs. ICCS are also happy to offer assistance in non-financial ways, e.g. by offering advice on travelling to/from and staying in Cambridge. We are happy to consider all requests and will help where we can. There is space in the registration form to request this assistance. and we're also happy to hear from people directly at iccs@maths.cam.ac.uk.
For members of the Schmidt Sciences community who have registered for the summer school, and want to get an idea of what it’s about, you can see last year's programme here. If you'd like to see some of last year's presentations, recordings are available under this playlist our YouTube page.
Please get in contact with us at iccs@maths.cam.ac.uk if you have any questions about the summer school. We're really looking forward to seeing you in July!
Please see a map of the venues for the summer school below