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Prof Colm-cille Caulfield joins DataWave colleagues in Stanford for mid-term review

ICCS co-director Prof Colm-cille Caulfield recently joined our colleagues on the DataWave VESRI for their mid-term review.

DataWave is one of Schmidt Futures' Virtual Earth System Research Institute (or VESRI) teams that ICCS supports. It is an international consortium focused on improving our modeling capability for gravity waves and large scale circulation, particularly to lead novel observationally constrained and data-driven gravity wave parameterization schemes. Results from this project will enable better predictions of how atmospheric circulation responds to global warming and impacts subseasonal-to-seasonal forecasts.

The mid-term review in May 2023 conducted an independent assessment of the DataWave project's progress to date, and had the expert reviewers provide feedback on the future direction of DataWave's efforts as it enters th second half of its project lifecycle.

See more information about DataWave and our other collaborators on the Our Collaborators page of our website.


About Us

Computational modelling is key to climate science. But models are becoming increasingly complex as we seek to understand our world in more depth and model it at higher fidelity. The Institute of Computing for Climate Science studies and supports the role of software engineering, computer science, artificial intelligence, and data science within climate science.

The institute comprises a collaboration between Cambridge Zero, the Departments of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (host department of the institute), Computer Science and Technology, and University Information Services at the University of Cambridge.

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